
License: T

That’s class T. Agricultural vehicles.

2.1.01-004 - What can cause a dangerous situation? 2.1.01-103 - What can create a hazard when driving? 2.1.02-002 - You are driving on a narrow road. About 20 m ahead of you a child suddenly runs onto the roadway. When is a collision unavoidable despite emergency braking? 2.1.03-025 - What can be caused if the road surface suddenly becomes worse? 2.1.03-029 - Why should you brake now? 2.1.03-030 - Why should you ready yourself to have to stop here? 2.1.03-103 - What must you reckon with when it starts raining after a long period of dry weather? 2.1.03-104 - It starts raining. Why must you immediately increase the safe distance? 2.1.03-105 - You are driving in dense fog on a federal road (Bundesstraße) outside a built-up area. Are you allowed to drive in the middle of the road continuously straddling the broken white line? 2.1.03-106 - What must you do on encountering sudden dense fog driving at daytime? 2.1.03-107 - How can you achieve sufficient visibility through the windscreen? 2.1.03-115 - What is the right course of action? 2.1.03-116-M - What should you do here? 2.1.03-120 - You are driving along a narrow avenue. What must you be aware of? 2.1.03-122 - What must you anticipate here? 2.1.04-002 - What must you do if wild animals suddenly appear in the full beam of your headlights? 2.1.04-102 - You are driving on a country road in darkness and rain and encounter oncoming vehicles with dipped headlights. What must you remember? 2.1.04-103 - What risks could arise if you drive with your main beam lights on? 2.1.04-104 - Driving at night-time on a rural road, you see persons on your side of the road. What do you do if you are dazzled by an oncoming vehicle? 2.1.04-106 - What increases the risk of an accident? 2.1.06-201-M - What is the right course of action here? 2.1.07-018 - What is the right course of action now? 2.1.07-122 - You are driving on a winding section of road popular with motorcyclists. What must you anticipate? 2.1.07-203 - What should you know about using the rear-view mirror? 2.1.11-013 - How can you recognise a good driver? 2.2.02-008 - What applies to you at the next junction? 2.2.02-302 - You are driving an agricultural tractor at 30 km/h on a main road with a paved hard shoulder on the right. What is the right thing to do? 2.2.03-023 - You are driving on a good quality road in good visibility conditions. Within what distance must you be able to stop? 2.2.03-024 - You are driving in darkness on a well-constructed main road, using your dipped headlights. Within what distance must you be able to stop? 2.2.04-002 - You are driving in urban traffic on a dry roadway in a stream of traffic travelling at a speed of 50 km/h. What is the minimum safe distance you must keep from the vehicle in front? 2.2.04-306 - Which vehicles have to maintain such a great distance between them and the vehicle ahead when not inside a built-up area, that an overtaking vehicle can pull back into lane? 2.2.05-401 - You are driving an agricultural machine. A queue of cars has formed behind you. What is correct? 2.2.09-005-M - In this situation, why do you have to wait before the left turn? 2.2.09-007-M - Why are you not allowed to turn off the road now? 2.2.09-201 - You are driving a motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 3.5 t. At what speed do you have to turn right within a built-up area? 2.2.09-402 - You have mounted a plough which extends far beyond the back of your tractor. What must you remember when you turn right? 2.2.09-403 - You have mounted a plough which extends far beyond the back of your tractor. Who can be endangered when you turn right? 2.2.09-405 - To your tractor you have attached a hay turning machine that projects a long way to the back. Who could be endangered by this when you take a left turn? 2.2.09-406 - You are driving an agricultural tractor with two trailers and you want to take a right turn. What must you look out for? 2.2.09-407 - You are returning on a tractor from working in a field and want to turn onto a road. What should you observe in order to avoid dangerous situations? 2.2.12-003 - Where is parking prohibited? 2.2.12-105 - Where are you allowed to park a trailer with a permissible total mass exceeding 2 t in built-up areas regularly on sundays and public holidays and between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.? 2.2.12-106 - What must you remember when parking a trailer without a truck? 2.2.12-203 - Before which sign must you maintain a distance of at least 10 m, if it would otherwise be concealed by your vehicle? 2.2.13-101 - When may you remain parked at a parking meter without activating it? 2.2.15-107 - At night, how must you secure a vehicle which has broken down at a place where it constitutes a danger to other traffic? 2.2.15-109 - What must you remember when towing? 2.2.16-101 - When must you switch on the hazard lights on your vehicle? 2.2.17-008 - You are driving at night on an unlit road. There is a motor vehicle travelling a short distance in front of you. Which lights must you have on? 2.2.17-010 - The rear lighting systems of your car are covered. What has to be done? 2.2.17-012 - As a basic rule, what lights of a motor vehicle must be turned on when driving in darkness? 2.2.17-013 - How can you tell that your main beam lights are switched on? 2.2.17-109 - When must you use dipped headlights also during the day? 2.2.17-111 - During twilight or the hours of darkness, when must you have your side lights switched on as a minimum requirement? 2.2.17-114 - When do you have to switch on your dipped headlights? 2.2.17-202 - Which vehicles must always be marked by their own lights or parking warning plates when parked on the roadway at dusk or in darkness in built-up areas? 2.2.17-301 - Which vehicles must be equipped with amber reflectors on their sides? 2.2.17-401 - You have finished working in the fields and want to drive home on public roads with your tractor. It is already dusk. What must you do? 2.2.17-402 - You are driving with main beam lights on in darkness. When do you have to dip your headlights? 2.2.17-403 - You are driving with main beam lights on in darkness. When do you have to dip your headlights? 2.2.17-404 - Why must you also drive with dipped headlight during the day when visibility is impaired by fog, rain or falling snow? 2.2.17-406 - When must attachments have additional lighting systems? 2.2.21-401 - How are you allowed to transport persons on trailers used for agricultural purposes? 2.2.22-108 - How must a load be marked in darkness or bad visibility when it extends laterally more than 40 cm beyond the side lights of the vehicle? 2.2.22-109 - What is the maximum height allowed above the roadway for a red light marking a load extending to the back? 2.2.22-117 - What should be noted when loading vehicles? 2.2.22-120 - When is a centrifugal force exerted on the load of a truck? 2.2.22-201 - Which warning plate is correctly mounted? 2.2.22-223 - What should be taken into consideration when selecting load-securing lashing equipment? 2.2.22-302 - What must you remember when you wish to transport animals on a trailer? 2.2.22-303 - When must attached working equipment be marked with red-white warning plates? 2.2.23-034 - What is important with regard to the official registration plates? 2.2.23-035 - What is required when your vehicle is no longer covered by motor liability insurance? 2.2.23-036 - What are you allowed to change on the official registration plate? 2.2.23-053 - As the vehicle owner, what change must you report to the relevant licensing authority? 2.2.23-054 - You are the new owner of a licensed vehicle. What do you have to do? 2.2.23-107 - What can interfere with your view? 2.2.23-115 - You have attached equipment to your tractor. What do you have to do if you want to drive on public roads? 2.2.23-117 - Your vehicle is snowed under. What do you have to do before you drive off? 2.2.23-118 - Your vehicle is snowed under. What do you have to do before you drive off? 2.2.23-120 - When should you refrain from using the telephone even if you have a hands-free device? 2.2.23-121 - You want to use a smartphone mounted on your motor vehicle as a navigation device. What should you observe? 2.2.23-122 - You receive a telephone call while driving. What must you be aware of? 2.2.23-123 - You are planning a long journey with your motor vehicle. Before commencing the journey, what should you check on the vehicle to avoid endangering yourself and others? 2.2.23-216 - After stopping for a lengthy time, you wish to continue driving. What should you do? 2.2.23-217 - You have installed a front-mounted, forward-extending attachment to your motor vehicle. What must you be aware of? 2.2.23-401 - A two-axle trailer with overrun brakes and fifth-wheel steering is parked on a slope. How must it be secured against rolling? 2.2.23-402 - You have mounted twin tyres on your truck tractor. What must you remember? 2.2.23-407 - You want to attach a device to your tractor. In what situations do you have to be particularly careful? 2.2.23-412 - You want to drive your agricultural tractor with attached accessory equipment. What must you be aware of before driving off? 2.2.23-413 - You are driving an agricultural tractor with a mounted implement. After finishing working in the field, you want to drive on to a public road. What must you check first? 2.2.23-414 - You are driving a tractor with an attachment. After working in a field, now you want to drive on a public road. What should you note first? 2.2.32-101 - You are entering a public road e.g. from a field or building site and considerably soil the road. Who is responsible for eliminating this traffic obstruction? 2.2.32-102 - What must you do to avoid endangering others by equipment or load which has fallen off your vehicle? 2.2.32-203 - Your vehicle has left a considerable amount of dirt on the carriageway, causing a risk to road traffic. What do you have to do? 2.2.32-204 - What do you have to do when exiting a construction site in your vehicle? 2.2.32-401 - What must you do to avoid soiling the roadway? 2.2.32-403 - You have dirtied the public highway with your agricultural vehicle. This is endangering or impeding traffic. What do you have to do? 2.2.37-003 - You are travelling at a speed of approximately 40 km/h. The lights change from "green" to "amber" when you are 40 m away. What do you do? 2.2.37-004 - You are approaching a traffic light which has been "green" for some time. What do you do? 2.4.40-003 - What must you do when you see this traffic sign? 2.4.40-004 - What do you do within this danger section? 2.4.40-201 - What must you anticipate with this road sign? 2.4.41-104 - Which vehicles are prohibited from using a road sign-posted like this? 2.4.41-105 - What does this traffic sign indicate? 2.4.41-106 - Which vehicles can cause serious accidents when this traffic sign is ignored? 2.4.41-107 - With which vehicles are you not allowed to drive on a road sign-posted like this? 2.4.41-108 - What vehicles may you overtake when this traffic sign is displayed? 2.4.41-201 - Which vehicles are prohibited from using a road sign-posted like this? 2.4.41-202 - Which vehicles must keep the minimum distance of 70 m here? 2.4.41-203 - Which vehicles are not allowed to overtake here? 2.4.41-204 - What does this traffic sign indicate? 2.4.41-401 - What motor vehicles are prohibited from driving on a road where this sign is displayed? 2.4.42-007 - What applies from this traffic sign onwards? 2.4.42-109-M - What is correct in this situation? 2.5.01-202 - How can you avoid unnecessary noise? 2.5.01-203 - What can cause noise pollution? 2.5.01-206 - How can you avoid creating noise? 2.6.01-003 - How can you tell when you need to bring your vehicle in for its next vehicle roadworthiness test? 2.6.01-209 - How can you tell when your vehicle needs to be brought in for its next safety inspection? 2.6.02-027 - What documents do you have to carry with you, if you want to drive a compulsory registrable vehicle? 2.6.02-031 - What type of trailers used in agriculture and forestry do not have to have their own registration number? 2.6.02-403 - Which requirements must be met so that a farm trailer is exempt from registration? 2.6.02-410 - What vehicles - including with trailer - may be driven by someone even before their 18th birthday if they hold a Class T driving licence? 2.6.02-411 - What vehicles - including with trailer - may be driven by someone after their 18th birthday if they hold a Class T driving licence? 2.6.03-001 - What is the correct response if, when reversing a combination vehicle the view to the rear is impeded? 2.6.03-307 - You want to couple on a multiple-axle trailer. What must you ensure? 2.6.03-308 - You want to tow a trailer. What must you note regarding the electric cable between the towing vehicle and the trailer? 2.6.03-406 - A single-axle trailer has an actual gross weight of 600 kg. What is the minimum possible vertical load? 2.6.03-408 - You are driving an agricultural tractor with a maximum design speed of 40 km/h. You want to tow a type-approval-exempt trailer behind this tractor. What must you bear in mind here? 2.6.06-101 - When operating a vehicle, what must you observe regarding the vehicle height? 2.6.06-201 - What is the maximum length allowed for a combination of vehicles comprising a motor vehicle and a trailer including load? 2.6.06-308 - How do you determine the maximum authorised combination mass of a vehicle combination consisting of a towing vehicle with rigid drawbar trailer? 2.6.06-402 - What is the maximum permissible dimension X for truck tractors? 2.6.06-403 - What is the maximum permissible dimension X for agricultural truck tractors? 2.6.07-220 - What activities could pose a highly risky distraction while driving? 2.7.01-045 - What must you take into consideration when checking tyre pressure? 2.7.01-046 - You drive round a bend once at 30 km/h and again at 60 km/h. How does the centrifugal force change? 2.7.01-047 - What increases the effect of centrifugal force on the vehicle when driving round bends? 2.7.01-065 - What must you be aware of when driving a quad? 2.7.01-066 - What should be observed when driving a quad? 2.7.01-120 - You want to couple up a trailer with ball coupling. What is correct? 2.7.01-121 - What must you do after coupling up a single-axle trailer with overrun brakes? 2.7.01-122 - What must you bear in mind when loading a single-axle trailer? 2.7.01-123 - You want to park your single-axle trailer (overrun brakes, 1000 kg permissible total mass) on a slope. What must you do? 2.7.01-124 - Which dangerous defects can have occurred on a trailer with overrun brakes which has been parked for some time? 2.7.01-125 - What must you remember when loading a trailer? 2.7.01-128 - What is correct when coupling a full trailer? 2.7.01-238 - A motor vehicle with air brakes has not been used for several days. When may you set off at the earliest (vehicle fully loaded)? 2.7.01-310 - What is the effect of the cornering characteristics of a combination vehicle (motor vehicle towing a trailer) when taking a turn? 2.7.02-034 - What must you do if the oil pressure warning light fails to switch off after starting the engine? 2.7.02-038 - The tail light of your vehicle is not working. What could be the cause of this? 2.7.02-127 - What is the impact on your vehicle if you operate the steering wheel while stationary? 2.7.02-130 - Your vehicle is much more difficult to steer than usual. What is the right course of action? 2.7.02-202 - What can cause the filling time of an air brake system to be longer than normal? 2.7.02-203 - The warning device of the brake system is activated when driving. What does this mean? 2.7.02-204 - What can cause the air compressor in a braking system with a multi-circuit safety valve to deliver compressed air continuously? 2.7.02-213 - The brake line to a wheel brake cylinder of your motor vehicle is leaking heavily. How can you detect this issue? 2.7.02-215 - What could be the possible cause of low air compressor output? 2.7.02-302 - In a two-line braking system, what is the effect of a rupture in the emergency line to the trailer? 2.7.02-304 - What happens if one of the service brake circuits of a dual-circuit compressed air-braking system leaks when the vehicle is in motion? 2.7.03-101 - What may be the result of too little coolant in the engine? 2.7.03-212 - When it is helpful to activate the differential lock? 2.7.03-213 - When can I activate the differential lock so that this does not possibly damage the motor vehicle? 2.7.03-216 - What is the function of a differential lock (mechanically locked differential transmission)? 2.7.04-001 - What should I ensure when refilling with engine oil? 2.7.04-002 - What is the function of engine oil in a combustion engine? 2.7.04-101 - How can you check the engine oil level? 2.7.05-001 - What is the meaning of the date of manufacture "1217" specified on the tyre? 2.7.05-002 - When should you check the tyre pressure? 2.7.05-101 - What should be noted when changing a tyre using a car jack? 2.7.05-102 - You have to remove a defective tyre. In what sequence should you proceed? 2.7.05-226 - Before beginning your journey, what do you have to check in connection with the tyres? 2.7.06-105 - When does the braking action of a trailer with overrun brakes start? 2.7.06-114 - What benefits does the driver of a motor vehicle have by using a cruise control system? 2.7.06-220 - What must you remember with an air brake system with air-drier? 2.7.06-223 - What is the function of a multiple-circuit safety valve in an air brake system? 2.7.06-231 - You press the brake pedal of your motor vehicle fully down. What is the maximum safe decrease of pressure in the braking system if the air tanks are full? 2.7.06-232 - Why is a decrease of pressure of more than 0.7 bar problematic in the compressed air system of a motor vehicle, if you press the brake pedal fully down one time (cut-off pressure around 10 to 13 bar)? 2.7.06-306 - In which cases must you activate the release valve? 2.7.06-313 - You park a trailer with compressed air-braking system for a short period. How can you disengage the service brake of the trailer? 2.7.06-317 - What will be the effect if the brake line hose with the yellow coupling head tears between the towing vehicle and trailer during braking? 2.7.06-318 - A piston belonging to the pneumatic brake cylinders of your trailer is extended to its maximum during braking. What danger can this present? 2.7.06-319 - You are driving a towing vehicle equipped with a compressed air-braking system. The brake line to the front-right wheel severs. What impact does this have when towing a trailer? 2.7.06-402 - You want to drive an agricultural tractor with two trailers equipped with compressed-air brakes. What do you have to ensure you do with the manual brake power regulator on each of the trailers? 2.7.06-406 - What do you have to regularly check on the air compressor? 2.7.07-306 - What is the correct procedure when coupling up a multiple-axle trailer? 2.7.07-309 - What must you check before coupling up a multiple-axle trailer? 2.7.07-312 - How can you see that the coupling pin has engaged correctly in the case of an automatic trailer coupling? 2.7.07-315 - What is the maximum play the towing fork may have in the bearing bushes in towing direction? 2.7.07-317 - What can be the consequences if the tow-bar of a towing coupling has longitudinal play? 2.7.07-319 - How do you have to disconnect the air lines when detaching a trailer? 2.7.07-320 - What must you remember when coupling up a trailer? 2.7.07-321 - What must you remember when coupling up a trailer? 2.7.07-322 - What must you remember after you have coupled up a trailer to an automatic trailer coupling? 2.7.07-324 - The coupling pins of your trailer hitch have a diameter of 38 mm when new. What should you note regarding wear? 2.7.07-325 - A considerable amount of longitudinal play becomes apparent in the towing device of the trailer. What effect can this have? 2.7.07-326 - How much longitudinal play may there be in the drawbar of the hitch? 2.7.07-327 - The drawbar of a full trailer is to be kept level with the coupling height of the approaching towing vehicle. How is this ensured? 2.7.07-328 - How can you check the state of wear of the drawbar or the turntable of a full trailer? 2.7.07-330 - What is the maximum permissible wear measured across the diameter of the towing ring of a drawbar? 2.7.07-401 - Your tractor is equipped with a K 80 coupling system with manual locking. What must you ensure when coupling a trailer? 2.7.08-212 - What should be noted when lubricating a vehicle? 2.7.09-227 - You are transporting logs. The driving route means you have to drive along poor quality roads. What do you have to do? 2.7.09-229 - When are you required to cover bulk material loaded on your vehicle? 2.7.09-230 - What forms part of securing the load? 2.8.01-012 - What should a driving licence applicant anticipate if he is found driving without a licence?

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