License: Mofa
That’s class Mofa. Low-powered mopeds with a maximum speed of 25 km/h.
Category: Danger/hazard awareness
2.1.03-011 - What should you remember when there are tramlines in your lane?
2.1.03-013 - What can cause the danger of falling on bends?
2.1.03-032 - While driving, you unexpectedly come upon a straight section of road with loose chippings. What is the right course of action?
2.1.03-043 - What should you take into account when you drive a motorcycle during low ambient temperatures?
2.1.11-013 - How can you recognise a good driver?
2.1.03-046 - What should you anticipate while driving, when it starts to rain after a long dry period?
2.1.11-020 - While driving, you become very annoyed at the behaviour of another road user. What is the right course of action now?
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