Expansion table - with oncoming traffic with integrated sign 275 1-lane plus lane to the left and 1 lane in the opposite direction

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Here is Our AI Assistant's Explanation

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The sign you are referring to is known as the "Expansion table - with oncoming traffic." This sign indicates that the road ahead has one lane for traffic going in one direction and another lane for oncoming traffic.

When you see this sign, it means that you will encounter a section of the road that narrows or expands to accommodate both directions of traffic. The lane to the left is typically for traffic going in the opposite direction, while the single lane you are in may require you to share the road with oncoming vehicles.

Drivers should remain vigilant and prepared to adjust their speed and position as necessary when navigating through these sections. It's important to adhere to any additional signs or markings on the road that provide further guidance on lane usage, especially in cases of divided lanes or merging traffic.

Make sure to always watch for oncoming vehicles and give way when required. This sign emphasizes the importance of awareness and caution in situations where lanes may split or converge. If you have any further questions about this sign or related traffic rules, feel free to ask!

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