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Where does driving fast often lead to accidents?
At crossroads and junctions
At pedestrian crossings
On bends
Here is Our AI Assistant's Explanation
Driving fast can often lead to accidents at crossroads and junctions, pedestrian crossings, and on bends due to various factors.
At crossroads and junctions, high speeds can reduce reaction time and increase the likelihood of missing other road users or signals, making these areas particularly dangerous.
At pedestrian crossings, speeding can prevent drivers from stopping in time to yield to pedestrians, creating a significant risk for vulnerable road users.
On bends, excessive speed can hinder a driver's ability to navigate safely, increasing the chance of losing control of the vehicle or colliding with oncoming traffic.
It is crucial to recognize all these locations as high-risk areas in order to promote road safety and adhere to German traffic regulations that emphasize precaution in zones where visibility may be obstructed and where interactions with pedestrians and other vehicles are likely.