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What is the right course of action here?
I may be the first to proceed
I have to allow [the red car] to turn
I have to allow [the cyclist] to pass through
Here is Our AI Assistant's Explanation
In this scenario, the correct choice involves understanding the right of way and responsibilities at an intersection. According to German traffic rules, if you are in a situation where multiple vehicles and cyclists are present, each type of road user has specific rights.
The correct answer allows you to proceed first while acknowledging the actions of the other road users. As the driver, you must ensure that you do not interfere with the cyclist's route and allow any vehicles making turns, like the red car, to complete their maneuvers safely.
The reasoning behind this is based on ensuring the safety of all road users and maintaining the flow of traffic. It is essential to evaluate all directions and clear any potential conflicts before proceeding. Hence, acknowledging both the cyclist and the turning car creates a comprehensive understanding of the intersection dynamics.